Saturday, May 1, 2010

OPEN SOURCE PARTY: UK 2010 election.

Open Source Party.

Open Source Democracy (b)- DOCTOR MARSH... by flyagaric23

My thoughts on Politics and the democratic VOTE cannot be split from my other thoughts about life and community. My philosophy is one of holism, where art and music are as powerful and important as Law and politics, and have an equal representation in my thoughts and writings upon the political paradigm generally.

I do not resonate with any political party from the UK, and will not vote for any political party in the UK for this reason, why should we forfeit our individual intelligence for the groupthink of political packs?

What would I do? Well, first I would dissolve myself, like an indigestion tablet, so that what we know as governmental power is literally dissolved into the community, rather than printed on a small number of so called representative’s, identity cards so that they, distribute the wealth and information that belongs to us all together, as the collective stewards of the places that we live.

The idea of dissolving the Government into the community and making everyman women and child a co-operative shareholder in the great NATURAL store of wealth we create by our labours, reflects the trend in information theory and ‘things’ generally to diversify, and preserves a significant amount of Novelty.

The great Buckminster Fuller proposed a similar and much more detailed version of this ‘decentralization’ of power structures, and his model reflects an all-around-the-world system of decentralized, co-operative ‘desovereignized’ communal tribes, sharing resources and ideas openly within a McLuhaneque ‘Global Village’.

One look at any of the UK political parties illustrates to me how generally they wish us to stop thinking, trust them, vote for them, and turn over our power as an interacting processing super-computer. Why? Why when most of us are connected to each other and the outer world, and do not require the security and control mechanisms imposed on us by the state/government/council?

The global news media and the global spy networks and their governments manufacture consent, or they manufacture ‘reasons why’ we need them to survive; i.e to protect us from the terrorists, the dope pushers and the criminals as defined by their criminal ‘terror and drug’ network of lawyers and cops, those in charge’ who manufacture a labyrinth of irrational, contradictory and somewhat strategic ‘life’ traps.

My vision for a decentralized, dissolved and resolved community of self representative truly ‘global citizens’ as stewards of their own birth rights as human beings and fellow citizens of planet Earth, displays my reasoning for not voting in their game of death, as I view it, based upon my experiences and ongoing study into politics, language, history, psychology and poetry. I am writing this to inspire a new wave of thinking and questioning of authority, do we require the protection and advice of our governments, I ask.

I know nothing of banking in practice, for example, but if I could round up ten of my friends I might find myself capable of banking within a short period of time, combined with the power of global internet and analytics ‘anybody’ with a sufficient ‘network’ of like minded individuals can take up some positions previously monopolized by a certain ‘class structure’

If the existing mechanisms and channels of global trade, telecommunications and teaching were ‘open sourced’ to the community, via new contractual binding agreements specifically tailored for the particular ‘group’ or tribe of people, and attenuated by a globally connected ‘village’ bulletin board, with no particular moderator, but moderated by the network of individuals connected therefore both locally and globally. This may sound pretty overly optimistic stuff to some, total anarchy and revolution to others, yet, from my perspective I am simply stating the impact of an expanding universe and exponentially expanding information paradox.

Information wants to be free, I guess, and no individual human beings will stop the process of meme’s, bits, genes and atoms differentiating themselves, fusing and finding new means to connectivity, to me, the universe is an information and novelty conserving engine.

I deduct that the old religion-dogmatic paradigm of centralized power and control has run its course and lies dead, slumped at the starting line, the gun about to go. Politically we are recycling the kinds of ideas and dogma you can find in the dark ages, from before the renaissance and the age of ‘reason’.

We seem to be operating on mass ‘Ghengis Khan’ economic model, combined with a crusading ‘Knights Templar’ militaristic ‘model’ and a Machiavellian ‘political’ model, all of which appear to me as representative of the old paradigm. Might makes right, violence, bullying, extortion and bluff, these are the pirate ‘rules’ of their game, and you can see and hear these types of models put forward by governments, politicians, CEO’s, corporate media and military strategists, today.

Open Source ‘minarchy’ cuts out the major causes of war and aggression, poverty and ‘death’ by limiting government to a kind of ‘night watchmen’ that only intervene in some cases concerning ‘life & liberty’. Once more I hope to describe a general theory here, ultimately this leads to YOU and your friends and community writing your own constitution, and operating your own local business enterprise and sharing resources and any profits with others.

The most important attribute to this kind of decentralized government model is feedback. Feedback helps us to define standards and lets us compare and revise our collective models and data.

Feedback between small independent communities seems a critical function for their survival, and it is this feedback, used intelligently that I think will provide the ‘security, advice, and guidance’ currently forced upon us by our governments. I do not need to further my argument that governments force their democracy on its people. Freedom from the banks, freedom from the military and freedom from the government are a part a parcel of the meaning to ‘freedom.

But in this new model freedom is old paradigm and shall be replaced with the principle of ‘novelty’. Freedom to be different and to do new things, freedom to evolve and conserve novelty. Freedom must not be confused with any static state. Freedom concerns a process and changing and moving potential that defies definition.

Thanks for reading my thousand words in defence of not voting for any political party in 2010, I hope you at least think for yourself and consider some of the things I have said. If you do choose to vote, vote for the candidate YOU feel is best suited to the job at hand.

Steve Fly.


  1. The grey votes are for those three blind mice INSIDE the voting Matricks..

    The blank votes, the whites or the blacks are for those voters who managed to free themselves from the greys inside, by being independent and cosmic singularity schmucks, use any color u like as long as you're an individual human be-in and not a Grey Face. Use your vote, if not join the Alliance of Apathy, stay home and wank, but keep the windows free from spots so you can keep up with the polls and see how you lose the election you could be a part of.

    Lea I. Wumm,

    -League of Invisible Wu Ming Masters-

  2. Well, just wanted to bring some crank irony into the agenda, just so any voter doesn't take the Tsar Trojka to seriously. If the Troijka wants to rule alltogether, you will probably for the first in British history of politics, see the "Hung Queen", at least that was the Tarot Cabal told me last night..;)
